Hello. I'm trying to run a bind9 from an upstart job instead of an init.d script. I'm a bit confused if I should "expect fork" or "expect daemon". It seems to work with "expect fork", though somehow I don't feel convinced.
(Upstart must know how the daemon forks - if it forks once, "expect fork" should be specified, and if a daemon forks twice, it should be "expect daemon". Then upstart will wait for that forkings and will monitor the final PID). Thanks in advance, Alexander Gurvitz, net-me.net P.S My /etc/init/bind.conf: start on runlevel [2345] stop on runlevel [!2345] pre-start script # dirs under /var/run can go away on reboots. mkdir -p /var/run/named chmod 775 /var/run/named chown root:bind /var/run/named >/dev/null 2>&1 || true end script exec /usr/sbin/named -u bind pre-stop exec rndc stop -p post-stop exec logger -p user.warning -t upstart-bind "bind stopped" expect fork respawn respawn limit 3 10 kill timeout 30 console none
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