On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 02:30:12PM +0530, Ashok Agarwal wrote:
> I have gone thru the release note of BIND 9.8.0 to found that the 
> feature "* dns64*" has been implemented in this version of BIND for 
> the first time. I also learned that there are other features as 
> well besides "dns64". Now, my task is to port "dns64" in my BIND 
> 9.7.3 (ported for ISC BIND 9.7.3 only) but the challenge here is to 
> discriminate the code for "dns64" feature as I don't want to ported 
> the whole code difference between 9.8.0 and 9.7.7rc1.

This seems a bit silly to me. Generally you should upgrade your 
software when you want features offered by the new version. If you 
don't like the other new features of 9.8.x, don't use them. They 
don't bite. In fact, I liked 9.8 quite well before moving to 9.9.

FWIW, 9.7.7 is out of RC now, and 9.8.4 is the current release of 
9.8.x. Perhaps you could take the 9.8.4 sources and patch to show a 
version of "9.7.7-ashok-dns64".

> Therefore I request you, if you have explicit code for "dns64" 
> feature then please share.

It's shared. You can download the full source code from isc.org. If 
your organization has a budget for it, you could probably hire ISC 
for custom programming work.
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