[ Not sure why this thread started on BIND-users:
          please continue on DHCP-users! ]

On 18 Oct 2012, at 13:42, Dwayne Hottinger wrote:

> I checked the mac addresses of these clients and thus far they are all ipads, 
> ipods or iphones.

        We see BOOTP transactions here at UCD (in Ireland, not California!) too.
        I was agreeably surprised to see that our latest monthly statistical 
        shows these on our copper networks only, not on wireless.

        IIRC, it's actually very easy for the user to configure any of the 
        to use DHCP instead of BOOTP.

        Jim Glassford's suggestion seems good enough to me.

On 18 Oct 2012, at 14:28, Jim Glassford wrote:

> We just continue to deny bootp for subnets that have no need for it and 
> ignore them.

        Best regards,

        Niall O'Reilly
        University College Dublin IT Services

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