On Jul 3, 2012, at 10:58 AM, wbr...@e1b.org wrote:

> Jan-Piet wrote on 07/03/2012 10:41:20 AM:
>> Building BIND is easy; turning it into an installable RPM not so.
>> I highly recommend fpm [1] which makes building an RPM trivial. :)
> Any advice or tricks for making a DEB for Ubuntu?
> So far my plan was to copy the source directory to each server and just 
> run "make install" on each.  I'm only looking at 8 to 10 servers.

This got old for me really fast, so I ended up writing a small script to do 
this for me…
WARNING: This works for me, but doesn't do a huge amount of error checking, may 
completely trash your machine, cause male pattern baldness, etc.

It is in: http://www.auth-servers.net/files/named/upgrade_bind_unattended.sh 

I run this out of cron every few minutes. It downloads a file called 
bind_versions.txt (from INSTRUCT_URL). This file contains key value pairs 
specifying the hostname and version of BIND that that host should be running, 
something like:
ns1: 9.9.1
ns2: 9.8.0

If the hostname is not running the specified version it will:
1: Delete everything in /usr/local/src/bind/ (!)
2: Download the source from ftp://ftp.isc.org/isc/bind9/$BIND_VER/
3: Check the GPG signature.
4: Build the new BIND and install it.
5: Restart BIND
6: Send mail saying that it is done…

I use puppet to push to install this script, and to setup a cronjob to run it 
(I could have done most of this in puppet itself, but that seems hard :-P)
Feel free to update / modify the script to make it work in your environment…


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