On 05/31/2012 22:26, blr maani wrote:
> Doug,
>   hmmm.. 75%-85% seems too large because the host runs email application
> in addition to cache-and-forward-only BIND (for better local caching).

So get more RAM, or split your services onto multiple systems. Yes, I
realize that may not be possible for financial reasons, but you asked
about *optimum* performance. The cache is there for a reason.

One thing that can help is to set the cleaning interval more
aggressively, but that can also cause performance problems for your
clients if you are CPU bound, so use that option with care, and monitor
the results after a change.

> So, I was wondering if there are any best/proven
> practice/recommendations for such shared application hosts ? 

Yes, don't do that. :)


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