On 5/7/12 5:57 PM, "Barry Margolin" <bar...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> In article <mailman.702.1336433477.63724.bind-us...@lists.isc.org>,
>  michoski <micho...@cisco.com> wrote:
>> note: keeping replies on-list, so others can also chime in and help...
>> On 5/7/12 2:41 PM, "James Sheffer" <ja...@higherpowered.com> wrote:
>>> My mistake - I thought "allow-notify" was telling the slave to only accept
>>> transfers from the ip address supplied (Master).
>> allow-notify is a list of additional addresses to notify about zone changes
>> other than those listed as "NS" records in your zone files.
> Isn't that ALSO-notify?

thanks, precisely why you want to read the arm and keep replies on-list!
also good not to reply during business hours while distracted...  ;-)

that said, looking at his original quote...  "telling the slave to only
accept transfers from the ip address supplied" would be neither...  that's
what allow-transfer is used for.

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by practice, they get to be wide apart.
        -- Confucius

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