If that's an exact copy of your record, I'm going to also assume that
the ORIGIN at the time of the record is "toto.be". As such, the
resulting record becomes:
www.toto.be.toto.be. 86400 IN CNAME www.titi.be.toto.be.
Note that trailing '.'s are required to prevent the automatic addition
of the ORIGIN.
www.toto.be. 86400 IN CNAME www.titi.be.
Dig will only send it's query to the server specified on the command
line (when specified). Otherwise, it uses the server listed in the
resolver configuration. If this doesn't answer your question, provide
better information. i.e. example dig and full response.
On 05/07/2012 09:29 AM, hugo hugoo wrote:
Dear all,
I have the following situation in my zone migration for one server (A)
to another server (B)
The zone is called toto.be and contains the following record:
www.toto.be 86400 IN CNAME www.titi.be
==> the zone titi.be is in the same server (A) but is not transferred
to the server (B).
If I do a dig @SERVER(A) www.toto.be ==> I receive the IP
corresponding to www.titi.be
If I do a dig @SERVER(B) www.toto.be ==> I do not receive the IP
corresponding to www.titi.be
- Is this situation due to the fact that dig always and only contacts
the server mentionned in the command ?
- Does the titi.be and toto.be be on the same server to correctly use
Thanks for your feedback,
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