On 04/15/2012 11:40 PM, Tobias Krais wrote:
Hi Ben,

hmm. How can I manage what google suggests:
"Information for school network administrators about the No-SSL option

To utilize the no SSL option for your network, configure the DNS entry
for www.google.com to be a CNAME for nosslsearch.google.com."
You can find this quite at the end of the document.

How can I realize such a configuration in bind?

As you've been told, you can't. CNAMEs can't live at zone apex, so you can't a CNAME at the zone apex of "www.google.com". And if you create "google.com" as a zone, all other hostnames will be blackholed, including "nosslsearch.google.com".

I don't know why Google have made that suggestion; it's a bad suggestion, that's not supported by many nameservers.

I personally think it's a bad idea to try and disable SSL search for your users too, but that's your decision.

"unbound" might be able to to this, with a transparent local-zone and local-data override for "www.google.com".
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