On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 9:33 AM, hugo hugoo <hugo...@hotmail.com> wrote:

>  Thanks for this interesting feedback.
> Now I have the problem to detect this kind of bad configuration.
> If I have:
> Zone toto.be:
> toto.be.
>         NS  ns1.xxx.be
>         + some records
> Zone titi.toto.be:
> titi.toto.be.
>          NS   ns1.xxx.be
>           + some records.
> What will be the command to detect that zone toto.be has no NS for
> titi.toto.be ??

Here's one command, given that ns1.xxx.be is authoritative for both toto.beand

dig +noall +comments @ns1.xxx.be titi.toto.be ns | grep "status: NOERROR"
&& \
  dig +noall +comments @ns1.xxx.be titi.toto.be ds | grep "status: NXDOMAIN"

A zero exit status for the above command indicates that the NS RRs are
missing from the parent.  Note, however, that a non-zero exit status
doesn't necessarily mean that the NS records exist.

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