> Von: Tony Finch <d...@dotat.at>

> > Does anyone know if there is a way to prevent the creation of certain
> > records - by name?
>       update-policy {
>               deny "*" name "internal.example.com";
>               # ...
>       };


I have a quite similar question but can't figure it out from the doc for 

I have a few DHCP-clients which are sending really stupid hostnames to the DHCP 
and via DHCP they got into my DNS zones.

Example: A few IP-phones are sending as their hostname eight times xFF. And 
this not printable name is then in DNS where I (and a few older nameserver) 
don't want it.

So is there something possible like
update-policy { deny "*" name /^a-zA-Z0-9_\-/; };

(For thos who don't speak regex: deny all names with something in it what is no 
letter or digit or underscore or dash.


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