I organize the speakers for the Bay Area Large-Scale Production Engineering
meetup (http://www.meetup.com/SF-Bay-Area-Large-Scale-Production-Engineering/ ;
take a look at the "PAST" tab to see the kinds of events we've had).

For our March event, on Thursday March 22nd
 I'm putting together an evening of talks on DNS-related topics,
and am looking for speakers.  I usually try to arrange two to four 20-25
minute talks around a single topic or theme -- this time it would be DNS.  I've
put some suggested topics there on the meetup page, but I'm open to anything in
this area.

If you're going to be in the Bay Area on that date, and could give a talk,
please contact me through that meetup, or at cwestin (at) yahoo (dot) com.

Chris Westin
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