After Doug updated the port for FreeBSD, I have downloaded it, let it
build, and I have been running the rc2 release for the past day or so here,
with no problems.   I also went in and updated the serials on several of the
domains that I am using inline-signing with, and then just did a basic 'rndc
reload', and it updated the signed zones and resigned them each time without
trouble, so kudos to the dev crew for getting this all straight in the rc2

 I will keep rc2 running, and will report any issues I encounter.    As this
time I now have rc2 running on my hidden master, and I have taken the time
as well to update my slaves/public servers, so it's rc2 on everything as of
this message..

Howard Leadmon 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:bind-
>] On Behalf Of Doug
> Barton
> Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 9:15 PM
> To: Michael Graff
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: BIND 9.9.0 RC2 -- call for testing
> On 01/31/2012 16:06, Michael Graff wrote:
> > Some inline signing defects were resolved earlier this week, and we've
> released 9.9.0RC2.  This release candidate includes fixes for all major
> reported in inline signing and other features.
> I haven't seen a public announcement about this yet (sorry if I missed
> it) but I'll take this, and the fact that the code is on the ftp site as
> a sign that it's Ok to update the FreeBSD port. :)
> Doug
> --
>       It's always a long day; 86400 doesn't fit into a short.
>       Breadth of IT experience, and depth of knowledge in the DNS.
>       Yours for the right price.  :)
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