Hello Doug, 

 As always thanks for all the support for things like this on the FreeBSD
side.    That said, I'd love to see that happen, even as a -devel type port,
since in general when ISC considers something an RC, it's pretty darn stable
by the point.

 At the moment I use the 9.8.1 port, and it works like a charm, but if this
inline signing is the key to supporting DNSSEC and being able to edit things
like I have been used to doing for years, then I will build it by hand if

Howard Leadmon 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Doug Barton [mailto:do...@dougbarton.us]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 12:21 PM
> To: Howard Leadmon
> Cc: 'Michael Graff'; bind-users@lists.isc.org
> Subject: Re: DNSSEC made simple, is this possible?
> On 1/11/2012 8:50 AM, Howard Leadmon wrote:
> > Now if FreeBSD would just add 9.9 to the ports collection
> I generally don't add new versions until they are released, but if there
> sufficient interest I can take a look at adding this as a -devel version
> rather than later.
> Doug
> --
>       You can observe a lot just by watching. -- Yogi Berra
>       Breadth of IT experience, and depth of knowledge in the DNS.
>       Yours for the right price.  :)  http://SupersetSolutions.com/

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