2012/1/2 Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uh...@fantomas.sk>:
>>>>> On 21.12.11 19:21, Peter Andreev wrote:
>>>> I think that if server is authoritative - and - slave-only it should
>>>> use system resolver rather than querying by itself.
>> 2012/1/2 Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uh...@fantomas.sk>:
>>> BIND will not use system resolver. BIND is the resolver. Relying on other
>>> resolver could cause troubles. If BIND does not need to resolve, it will
>>> not. If it needs, don't block it.
> On 02.01.12 16:42, Peter Andreev wrote:
>> I understood your point, however it differs from mine.
>> Matus, I'm afraid we won't find consent on this topic. So I offer you
>> to stop this discussion.
>> Thank you for suggestions and happy new year!
> I don't see your point now. I'm afraid that you will have to live with the
> fact that you can not disable sending queries from BIND when it needs them,
> you can only prevent it by configuring BIND (so it will not need them) or
> firewall such packets so they will not get outside (which may break its
> functionality).

My point: I need my servers to answer with authoritative data only. I
need them to not perform anything else. Only "get query - send
authoritative response". Where in this scenario BIND has to resolve
In which scenario (except master & notifies) BIND has to resolve something?

> Maybe ISC will patch BIND to use system resolver for internal queries, but I
> doubt so. Maybe you can do it but imho it's not worth trying.
> Maybe you can set up forward only; and forwarders {}; so BIND will forward
> all recursive queries it generates to your recursive servers.
> But the way you are trying to get over this, I'm afrait you will fail and
> that's what I am trying to tell you.

I'm free to replace BIND with another authoritative DNS implementation.

> --
> Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
> Warning: I wish NOT to receive e-mail advertising to this address.
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