On Wed, 16 Nov 2011, Phil Mayers wrote:

> It might be good if bind were able to re-start itself, rather than dying
> outright (e.g. re-exec the process) but that is dangerous too; it's better
> done by an unrelated supervising process.

In the bind9 tarball's contrib directory there is a simply "nanny" perl 
script. Basically every 30 seconds it checks if PID still exists and 
does a dig. If no PID, it starts named. If dig fails, it kills the 
process and starts named. And waits 120 seconds before checking again.

I am curious if any users of the nanny.pl script (or similar parent) had 
any crash but didn't notice it.  (Maybe look at logs to see if named 

Also what other types of nanny scripts do you use? (I already saw other 
emails with a few suggestions.)
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