On Oct 25, 2011, at 1:09 PM, Fr34k wrote:
> We found someone else who seemed to suggest a "fix" by increasing the number 
> of sockets.
> We figured we would give that a shot and see what would happen.  We tried 
> 128, and then 256 -- but we still see these messages:
>   named[14050]: [ID 873579 daemon.info] sockmgr 288760: maximum number of FD 
> events (128) received
>   named[15910]: [ID 873579 daemon.info] sockmgr 288760: maximum number of FD 
> events (256) received
> Does anyone have more information, suggestions, comments?

Yes, named probably wants 256 - 1024 filedescriptors as a reasonable lower 
bounds, depending on load.  Busy nameservers might well define FD_SETSIZE 
higher, to 4096 for example.


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