Thank you guys, I have finally solved it.

Eduardo: Sorry, I think you didnt get me right or I didnt explain
myself properly, thats not what i was looking for, but thanks for

Matus: Unfortunately I am running bind 9.4 so I couldn't try what you
propose, altough what i finally did was in the same direction.

Luckily enough I found this page:
and it did the trick for me.

What I did was add a zone for the FQDN with an empty 'forwarders' stanza:

zone "" { type forward; forwarders { }; };

And it did work! Now it goes resolve this particular host externally.

Thanks again for your help,

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On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 9:22 AM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas
<> wrote:
> On 19.10.11 17:26, feralert wrote:
>> I have a domain defined within a zone statement so it resolves
>> hostnames via the intranet, just like this:
>>               zone "" { type forward; forwarders {
>> Now there is this host which does not resolve internally (with an
>> intranet ip) but it does externally (wan ip):
>> And my problem is that I need to, somehow, override de 'zone
>> ""' statement, so this particular host/subdomain would
>> resolve externally.
> you must configure another zone "" or
> "".
> You can use type "static-stub" since 9.8 instead of "forward", it just
> requires using of "server-names" or "server-addresses" instead of
> "forwarders".
> Note that "forward" ask other servers to resolve a domain (sends recursive
> request), while "static-stub" defines servers that provide the destination
> domain (sends iterative requests).
> So, the "forward" can be configured to fall-back to standard resolution, and
> it can resolve delegated subdomains, if the forwarders allow recursion to
> you.
> --
> Matus UHLAR - fantomas, ;
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