On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 2:20 PM, Mark Andrews <ma...@isc.org> wrote:

> To answer the original poster's question.  Use TSIG as has already
> been pointed out.  The following change makes doing this much easier
> as it allows you to send to multiple views by having multiple
> address/key pairs specified in also-notify.
> Mark
> 3109.   [func]          The also-notify option now uses the same syntax
>                        as a zone's masters clause.  This means it is
>                        now possible to specify a TSIG key to use when
>                        sending notifies to a given server, or to include
>                        an explicit named masters list in an also-notfiy
>                        statement.  [RT #23508]
This is helpful.  Which release(s) is this in?

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