On Sep 20, 2011 3:48 PM, "Lyle Giese" <l...@lcrcomputer.net> wrote:
> On 09/20/11 13:37, Lightner, Jeff wrote:
>> I didn't specify the IPs but it found them - that is to say when I input
my first DNS server it automatically populated the IP address field.  This
was on the iis.se site as I noted in my original post.
>> My read of "glue records" is that they are A records within a zone file
for DNS servers that are part of the same domain as the zone being
>> Based on that my glue records in water.com zone file for domain water.comin 
>> zone file
water.com do exist as shown in my original post:
>> dswadns1        IN A
>> dswadns2        IN A
>> Also it seems Glue records are only necessary for subdomains and I'm not
using a subdomain here - I'm not trying to delegate to any subdomain.
>> So both my Registrar and I have things associating dswadns1.water.comwith IP 
>> and
dswadns2.water.com with   I'm still mystified as to what the
delegation message is trying to tell me.
> This is NOT the defination of glue records.
> See RFC 1033 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System for more
> Glue records need to exist in the delegating zone servers.  In this case
.com needs to know the ip address for the DNS servers for water.com. These
records that need to exist in .com are called glue records.  .com needs to
know where dswadns1.water.com and dswadns2.water.com and this is done via
glue records.
> This is what I meant by registering your name servers.  Then the .com
servers know the ip address of the dns servers for waters.com.
> Lyle Giese

The problem is that .com has the records. In the real world you provide glue
to your registrar and they provide the glue to the delegating zone.

dig confirms that .com had the glue for water.com.

R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
kob6...@gmail.com> LCR Computer Services, Inc.
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