Running an Ubuntu server with the distro provided named 9.4.2.df.  After 
taking ISC's Intro to DNS and BIND class, I've gotten the courage to 
tackle some of the logging tweaks I would like.  All the lame server 
errors are happily being delivered to the null channel.  I also figured 
out how to log queries for troubleshooting and keep it from filling the 
hard drive.

On one of our servers, there are a number of Windows systems that are 
attempting to update zones which we do not allow.  It is not possible to 
get all those machines changed to turn off this "feature."  I thought I 
should be able change the logging to deliver these messages to a custom 
channel for testing, and then change it to the null channel when I was 
satisfied with the results.  Unfortunately, it doesn't work. 

Here is the copy of my logging statement:

logging {

        channel query_log {
                file "query.log"
                versions 3
                size 20m;
                print-time yes;
                print-category yes;
                print-severity yes;

        // category queries { query_log; };

        // Send all lame server errors to the null channel
        category lame-servers { null; };

        // send all dynamic update messages to the null channel
                // too bad it don't work!
        category update { query_log; };

Logged messages are like this:

Sep  8 14:09:22 ns1 named[19392]: client update 
'19.172.IN-ADDR.ARPA/IN' denied

In addition to the update category, I tried client and security 
categories.  Errors continued to be logged in /var/log/daemon.log instead 
of query.log (eventually null).

Any suggestions?


William Brown
Web Development & Messaging Services
Technology Services, WNYRIC, Erie 1 BOCES

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