Does anyone else find the bind-users list to be very slow? (localhost [IPv6:::1]) Tue, 31 May 2011 19:48:30 +0000 -> ( Tue, 31 May 2011 20:52:09 +0000 

Or is it just me seeing this?


On May 31, 2011, at 4:17 PM, Warren Kumari wrote:

> On May 31, 2011, at 3:22 PM, Kevin Darcy wrote:
>> On 5/31/2011 2:38 PM, Supersonic wrote:
>>> I have a BIND 9.8.0-P2 server instance running on a production server.
>> Doing what, exactly? Resolving internal names only? Resolving Internet 
>> names? Acting as an authoritative server for internal clients? Internet 
>> clients? Some combination of the above?
>>> My firewall is showing repeated attempts by named.exe to connect to IP 
>>> addresses in foreign countries on ports 6666, 6667 and 6669 - common IRC 
>>> ports used by worms/trojans/zombies. Checking my named.exe file, it shows 
>>> that it is unchanged from the installation source. Is this connection 
>>> normal? Should I be allowing it?
>> TCP connections or UDP packets?
>> If you're serving authoritative data to Internet clients, then my guess is 
>> your firewall simply isn't "stateful" enough to realize that these are 
>> responses to DNS queries that originally came in from Internet clients using 
>> those port numbers. Just because they are "common IRC ports used by 
>> worms/trojans/zombies" doesn't preclude them from also being chosen at 
>> random as the source ports of incoming queries to your nameserver. Responses 
>> go back to the same port from which the query was received.
> Can you make a distribution of ports and see if it contacts other port 
> numbers with approximately the same frequency? I'm guessing this is just the 
> FW / IDS being "helpful"....
> W
>> If they're outgoing TCP connections, I'd be worried. Offhand, I can't think 
>> of any legitimate reason why named would be trying to TCP-connect to any 
>> port other than 53.
>>                                                                          - 
>> Kevin
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