On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 3:45 PM, babu dheen <babudh...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
> Dear Olsen,
> thanks for the update. I can follow all the steps but i couldn't understand 
> below two points
>  - register/buy the domain name(s) if you haven't already done so.
> - tell your registrar to configure your parent domain so it'll delegate
> your domain to your nameservers

Have you EVER manage a domain before, whether hosted or not?
If not, then I HIGHLY recommend you just use a hosting provider and
have them manage both your website and DNS.

Back to your original question:

>  My concern if i want to host my own website, do i need to pay to my ISP?

That depends. You obviously pay them for internet access. You MIGHT
need to pay them if you also use other services, like
- buy your domain from your ISP
- use your ISP's name server for secondary name server
- use your ISP's MX
- use additional IP address for your website

> and please suggest me that if we want to host our parent domain (company.com) 
> also in our own DNS server.

Again, it depends.
If you know how to set it up, then no, you don't need to pay
additional money to your ISP. But it could be YES, if you use some of
their services (see above).

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, here's a somewhat simple
checklist you can look at before you decide whether to run your own
DNS/web server:

(1) Do you know which service you want to create?
Is it a web server? Is it a mail server? Is it a DNS server? All of them?

(2) Do you know the difference between difference between the services
you're trying to create?
What it does? Which software to use? etc.

(3) Do you know how they work?
Can you setup a web server from scratch? Can you setup a DNS server
from scratch? Do you know about DNS hierarchy? etc.

(4) Can you manage the servers/services?
Do you know how to keep your system secure? Do you know how to update
a web page or a DNS record? Do you need a HA setup? etc.

If the answer to any one of them if NO, then just use a hosting
provider and have them manage both your website and DNS.

This list is about the DNS software BIND, not about creating your own
website/DNS server. If you have a specific question about BIND, feel
free to ask.

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