On 5/17/2011 2:07 PM, Warren Kumari wrote:
On May 17, 2011, at 1:17 PM, Michelle Konzack wrote:
69th Spam/Mailinglist (I am subscribed to 137 lists)
How is it possibel, this guy is spaming at least 69 mailinglists where
most are subscriber only?
Um, maybe his claims are true -- if "Mind Intrusion" exists and works well, its
it *really* that hard to believe that he would be able to use his mind to flip the
subscribed bit on a mailing list?!
Perhaps we aren't even receiving the email and instead are just having
our minds tricked into thinking that we received it...
Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant ######################
Development of Intranet and Embedded Systems with Debian GNU/Linux
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<http://www.itsystems.tamay-dogan.net/> <http://www.flexray4linux.org/>
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