Justin Krejci <jkre...@usinternet.com> wrote:
> So I am wondering if this is normal/expected behavior for BIND and if so
> should debug logging or named-checkzone with debugging be able to
> identify this as the problem. Or am I missing something else altogether?

With bind-9.7.3, I get the following log messages with the default logging

14-Apr-2011 17:29:39.697 general: error: dns_rdata_fromtext: 
/zd/29- near 'root': bad name (check-names)
14-Apr-2011 17:29:39.697 general: error: zone 
29/ loading from master file 
/zd/29- failed: bad name (check-names)

named-checkzone says:

/spool/bind/zd/29- warning: 
root.29/ bad name (check-names)
zone 29/ loaded serial 1

named-checkzone -k fail says:

dns_rdata_fromtext: /spool/bind/zd/29- near 
'root': bad name (check-names)
zone 29/ loading from master file 
/spool/bind/zd/29- failed: bad name (check-names)
zone 29/ not loaded due to errors.

The zone file is:

$TTL 1h
@               SOA     localhost.      root (
                                1               ; serial
                                1h              ; refresh
                                1000            ; retry
                                1w              ; expiry
                                1h )            ; minimum
                NS      localhost.
; eof

f.anthony.n.finch  <d...@dotat.at>  http://dotat.at/
Rockall, Malin, Hebrides: South 5 to 7, occasionally gale 8 at first in
Rockall and Malin, veering west or northwest 4 or 5, then backing southwest 5
or 6 later. Rough or very rough. Occasional rain. Moderate or good,
occasionally poor.
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