
Best regards.

On Mar 12, 2011, at 2:30 AM, "Lightner, Jeff" <jlight...@water.com>  

> I didn't make this a personal attack so don't know why you felt it  
> necessary to go that route.  However, since you did, it is clear  
> from your comments you are BSD fan boy and will say whatever you  
> can, including outright fabrications to make your position seem more  
> valid than those of others.   I've not seen an OS yet that couldn't  
> be rootkitted and implying that RHEL is some how more susceptible to  
> that and that BSD is somehow immune to that is completely  
> disingenuous.
> Many organizations choose to use commercial variants of Linux  
> specifically because they prefer to have an external support entity  
> available.   If you had to reinstall RHEL to perform a simple  
> upgrade that says more about your lack of experience with the  
> platform than it does with the platform itself.  In my 20 years of  
> Systems Administration experience I've often made suggestions some  
> heeded and some ignored but always knew I wasn't the tail that wags  
> the dog.   You apparently think you are in your organization so  
> congrats on that.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan [mailto:d...@sunsaturn.com]
> Sent: Friday, March 11, 2011 12:33 PM
> To: Lightner, Jeff
> Cc: bind-users@lists.isc.org
> Subject: RE: R: Operating system recommendation
> Simply what I meant by "their reinstall" is going to a new major  
> revision
> or someone rootkitted your box. Either would not pose a problem on
> freebsd.
> I have redeployed RHEL systems as well and it required a reinstall,  
> the
> upgrade left to many unstabilites in the system, not just the "cruft"
> you suggest.
> Its clear from that statement you don't run any BSD's and cost your
> company money running RHEL vs Centos or anything free that a competent
> admin could run just as well, perhaps the bit of money your company
> could save you could use towards a ploy for a raise!
> Dan.
> On Fri, 11 Mar 2011, Lightner, Jeff wrote:
>> "Linux people and their reinstalls"?!
>> Somebody has confused Linux with Windows.  We've been running  
>> RedHat Eneterprise Linux (RHEL) systems commercially for several  
>> years (including our DNS servers) and the only time I "reinstall"  
>> is when I'm redeploying a system and/or want to go to a newer major  
>> release.   As the prior poster said RedHat is still supports RHEL4  
>> (7 years or more) and RHEL5 (4 years or more) and has now relased  
>> RHEL6.
>> Redeployments don't require a reinstall - I simply do it (as I did  
>> for UNIX system) to get rid of the cruft that is invariably left  
>> behind by redeployments and in box upgrades from one major release  
>> to another.   I'd do the same on BSD if I were still running any of  
>> those systems.
>> Don't confuse hobbyists who like to tinker and reinstall at the  
>> drop of a hat to undo their latest experiments with use of Linux in  
>> real data centers.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: bind-users-bounces+jlightner=water....@lists.isc.org  
>> [mailto:bind-users-bounces+jlightner=water....@lists.isc.org] On  
>> Behalf Of fddi
>> Sent: Friday, March 11, 2011 4:18 AM
>> To: bind-users@lists.isc.org
>> Subject: Re: R: Operating system recommendation
>> bind performances are excellent also on FreeBSD and OpenBSD.
>> Myself if I were a big ISP I would use OpenBSD, mainly for a security
>> point of view.
>> Riccardo
>> On 3/11/11 9:23 AM, Chiesa Stefano wrote:
>>> -----Messaggio originale-----
>>> Da: bind-users-bounces+stefano.chiesa=wki...@lists.isc.org  
>>> [mailto:bind-users-bounces+stefano.chiesa=wki...@lists.isc.org]  
>>> Per conto di pollex
>>> Inviato: mercoledì 9 marzo 2011 20.52
>>> A: comp-protocols-dns-b...@isc.org
>>> Oggetto: Operating system recommendation
>>> Hi, I want to know in your experience what is the best operating
>>> system to run bind for an ISP. We currently have Debian for the 5
>>> Cache servers and for the 2 Authoritative servers.
>>> We have around 111851 success querys in the cache servers and around
>>> 7267 zones created in the authoritative servers.
>>> We are doing a major re analysis for all the arquitecture and Debian
>>> is changing to soon their versions and only have support for 1  
>>> version
>>> before so I dont know if this is best option
>>> Best regards and thanks
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>>> bind-users mailing list
>>> bind-users@lists.isc.org
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>>> Hello.
>>> The italian Registration Authorithy, that manages more than 2  
>>> millions .it domains, runs theirs BIND dns server on UBUNTU.
>>> For futher info you can try to contact them at their email  
>>> addresses:
>>> i...@registro.it
>>> hostmas...@registro.it
>>> http://www.nic.it/?set_language=en
>>> Hope this help.
>>> Ciao.
>>> Stefano.
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