On Feb 4, 2011, at 3:25 AM, Jean-Yves Avenard wrote:
> Actually I just found what caused it not to work ; I have forwarders
> set ; If I comment-out the forwarders line ; then everything work as
> it should
> Can't delegation works if forwarders are enabled ?

Only if either (a) the forwarders can resolve the name, or (b) you disable 
forwarding for either the authoritative zone or the delegated child zone.

What you are seeing is the expected behavior.

Keep in mind, a BIND server does two quite different jobs: authoritatively 
answering queries about local zones and recursive/caching resolution of remote 
zones. Mixing the two services in one named.conf can be confusing and can lead 
to complex interplay between their configurations. It can also cause problems 
for DNSSEC. You should strive to avoid it.

Chris Buxton
BlueCat Networks

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