If a zone is not dynamic, then the MNAME does nothing except to possibly inhibit notifies to the declared master iff you specify the option "notify yes" or if you do not specify any notify option (as "notify yes" is the default).

If a zone is dynamic, then the MNAME plays a very critical role of telling all clients where to send dynamic DNS updates.

I hear that support for multi-master with dynamic zones is expected in version 10. I have my own questions about how that will be done.

Gordon A. Lang  /  313-819-7978

----- Original Message ----- From: "dev null" <devn...@cimmerii.org>
To: <bind-users@lists.isc.org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 10:13 AM
Subject: bind 9 multiple masters setup


I have most of this worked out but I intend to setup bind in a
multiple master manner.

This makes me question a few things:

1. What can I use for the SOA MNAME? In the off chance a box may die,
I am thinking of using a VIP which contains the multiple masters
within it. However I am not sure how this would affect NOTIFY. So can
I use a VIP or do I just use one of the master DNS boxes in the SOA
MNAME field?
2. With that said, I intend to use rndc to push out DNS changes,
should I worry about using a VIP still? I may need to use both and
NOTIFY seems like it is more built-in so I want to keep rndc and
NOTIFY going.

Hope someone has gone through this trauma.

Thank you!,

Zahid Bukhari
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