I am testing bind9.7 and seem to not be correctly defining the
path to the localhost forward and reverse zones which are in
/var/named/etc/namedb/master. After the chroot, they should be
found by a path of named/etc/namedb/master but so far nothing
seems to work.

        I have read the man page for named-checkzone and it
looks like one might be able to cause it to test load the zone
as if one was starting bind which means it has to read the
named.conf file. If I could see what path it thinks it is
loading from, the fix would be easy.

        Can it do that? I am not quite sure what a few of the
flags are capable of. If it can read named.conf, it should get
the zone file name from that.

Thank you.

Martin McCormick
bind-users mailing list

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