Hello Ian,

Tue, 12 Oct 2010 10:54:19 +0100 "Ian Tait" wrote:

>> Ok, but you can always browse by IP address and in this case there
>> is no DNS server than can stop you from browsing what you want.
> Vaguely related, are host headers - a lot of webservers share an IP
> address/many IP addresses and use host headers to 'display' the
> correct website.
> You wouldn't be able to browse a particular website hosted in this
> fashion, by IP address.

If you know the website domain and the corresponding IP address and if
your ISP prevents you from accessing this website by timing out or
tampering DNS query results you can always put the entry like   www.domain.tld.

to your hosts file and access the site.

This technique is also in use when someone needs to access the site
which is on a not delegated domains.


Yours sincerely,

Andrey G. Sergeev (AKA Andris)     http://www.andris.name/
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