In message <>, Jim Pazarena writes:
> I am curious if anyone can point out articles or deeper instructions
> regarding an implementation and launch of ipv6 in a fully ipv4 camp?
> If the upstream ISP still provides the end user an ipv4 number
> as a gateway, and the end user still has a /24 or /23 assigned by
> the ISP, need they be concerned with ipv6?
> would the ipv4 /23 subnet be 'translatable' to a corresponding
> ipv6 number?
> Any source documents would be greatly appreciated.
> _______________________________________________
> bind-users mailing list

I would not bring up IPv6 internally without having external IPv6
connectivity.  As others have mentioned HE provides a good tunnel
service (I've been using them for ~7 years at home automatically
reconfiguring the tunnel when my IPv4 address changes).

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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