Hello all.
Our Bind installaton is on a virtual VMWare ESX W2k3 server.
I've just upgraded our public primary dns server from 9.6.0-p1 to
After more or less 15 minutes of work the following messages appear in
the log:

13-Aug-2010 9:09:39.305 general: error: .\socket.c:2444: unexpected
13-Aug-2010 9:09:39.305 general: error: SOCKET_RECV: Windows error code:
1236, returning ISC error 54
13-Aug-2010 9:09:39.430 general: error: .\socket.c:2444: unexpected
13-Aug-2010 9:09:39.430 general: error: SOCKET_RECV: Windows error code:
1236, returning ISC error 54

I read around that it could be a BIND bug, or a problem in the Windows
Can some of you tell me something more certain and, if it is possible,
how to solve it?

Thanks in advance.
Have a nice day.

Stefano Chiesa.

Stefano Chiesa
Wolters Kluwer Italia
Strada 1, Palazzo F6
20090 Milanofiori Assago (Mi) - Italia
Phone +39 0282476279 (20279 Voip)
Fax +39 0282476633

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