In message <>, Barry Finkel write
> Another question about query-source:
> Is there a difference between
>      query-source address;
> and
>      query-source;

> My reading of the ARM simplies that the two are the same, but I may
> be getting different results.  I am not sure.  Two of my colleagues
> ran a test last week that seemed to imply a difference, but I was not
> around to see exactly what tests they ran.  This is BIND 9.7.1-P2.
> I have looked at querylogs on a server with one DNS address and one
> non-DNS address.  I have tried both formats of "query-source" above;
> I see no difference.  What I do see is this - an SOA query via the
> DNS address followed by an IXFR via the DNS address.  This IXFR is
> REFUSED because this is a test server, and the master server (not under
> my control) does not allow zone transfers from this test address.
> Then I see an SOA query and an AXFR query, both on the DNS address.
> This AXFR is also REFUSED.  Then I see an SOA query and an IXFR query
> via the non-DNS address!  I have not looked at the code to see what
> BIND might be doing in sending a DNS packet via the non-DNS address.
> The BIND config on this machine has
>      transfer-source port 53;
> so it should not be sending an IXFR or AXFR request via the non-DNS
> address.

See alt-transfer-source and use-alt-transfer-source.

> An addendum to my recent postings about two machines each with three
> addresses.  The only reason I need all three addresses on each machine
> is that I have published all six addresses, and these addresses are
> configured in all of the machines on the three Class-B subnets that
> my DNS server manages.  I do not want to have all of the system
> administrators change their machine DNS server IP addresses.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Barry S. Finkel
> Computing and Information Systems Division
> Argonne National Laboratory          Phone:    +1 (630) 252-7277
> 9700 South Cass Avenue               Facsimile:+1 (630) 252-4601
> Building 240, Room 5.B.8             Internet:
> Argonne, IL   60439-4828             IBMMAIL:  I1004994
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