On 06/08/10 12:24, Martin McCormick wrote:
The one thing that impresses me about dns-sec is that it
appears to be one of those things that will probably work fine
after installation but getting there may be an adventure to put
it mildly.
My advice is to investigate upgrading to Bind 9.7 and using the
"auto-dnssec maintain" option on your zones.
We do something similar to this:
zone "example.com" {
type master;
# file in a per-zone directory
file "data/zones/example.com/zone";
# keys in the same direction
key-directory "data/zones/example.com";
# tell bind to do DNSSEC maintenance
auto-dnssec maintain;
# must allow updates for online (re)signing
allow-update { key ...; };
...at this point, signing a zone is very simple:
# make key-signing key
dnssec-keygen -K $ZDIR -a RSASHA1 -b 2048 -n ZONE -f KSK $NAME
# make zone-signing key
dnssec-keygen -K $ZDIR -s RSASHA1 -b 1024 -n ZONE $NAME
# fixup perms
chgrp named $ZDIR/K*
chmod 640 $ZDIR/K*
# sign it
rndc sign $NAME
Bind will automatically maintain the signatures and re-sign every $SOME
days. When you want to do a key rollover, you can use the timestamp
options to generate a new key which is valid but not used:
# make new zone-signing key
dnssec-keygen -K $ZDIR -P now -A none -s RSASHA1 -b 1024 -n ZONE $NAME
# insert key
rndc sign $NAME
# wait for cache expiry times - see RFCs for details
# roll over keys & fixup perms
dnssec-settime -K $ZDIR -A now K<theNEWkeyid> && chmod 640 $ZDIR/K*
dnssec-settime -K $ZDIR -I now K<theOLDkeyid> && chmod 640 $ZDIR/K*
# wait $SOME time for the zone to be incrementally
# resigned using the new key, and the old key is redundant,
# and any old RRs have expires from caches
# remove the old key
dnssec-settime -K $ZDIR -D now K<theOLDkeyid>
rndc sign $NAME
Obviously there is some care and attention needed, but the above
procedures are very quick to test. Play around with it a bit - I think
you'll be pleasantly surprised how easy the stuff in bind 9.7 is.
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