options {

    new-zone-file "/etc/named.d/new_zones.list";


include "/etc/named.d/new_zones.list";

## new_zones.list
zone mynewzone.com { type slave; file "mynewzone.com";  masters {; };  

script rndc_addzone.sh

echo "Adding Zone"  ${1}
cd /var/named

rndc addzone ${1} { type slave\;\
                    file \"${1}\"\; \ masters {\; \
                            }\; \ }\;

Running rndc delzone mynewzone.com does remove the zone from the new_zones.list 

On Jul 30, 2010, at 4:15 PM, Evan Hunt wrote:

>> If I run reconfig it will start answering queries, but I'm guessing that
>> is because its just re-reading the include from new-zone-file.   Am I
>> missing something here?
> That sounds likely.
> Can I see your named.conf and the exact configuration text you're sending
> via addzone, so I can try to reproduce this?  When I was testing the
> feature a while ago, I was getting REFUSED at one point, but I can no
> longer remember what it was I was doing wrong or how I fixed it.  Maybe if
> I see your setup it'll jog my memory.
> (I can assure you it does work, the company that submitted the patch to us
> has been using it in production for quite a while...)
> --
> Evan Hunt -- e...@isc.org
> Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.

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