This is my current setup right now and the reason why I want to reject or drop 
the AAAA queries;

PC Clients: XP, Vista and 7 (Vista and 7 clients are sending both A and AAAA 
queries) send queries to DNS A.
DNS A: will just forward the query to My DNS
MyDNS: will query to DNS B in behalf of DNS A.
DNS B: hosting the domain name (sample:

DNS B only hosting A record for so when it receive AAAA query, it 
respond "no such name" or NXDOMAIN. 

This result causes negative caching on MyDNS and name resolution will also fail 
for other client computers.
I only have control on MyDNS so I am thinking if there is any way that I can 
reject/drop those AAAA queries so it will not query to DNS B.


From: Mark Andrews <>
To: Rock July <>
Cc: Bind Users <>
Sent: Fri, July 23, 2010 6:37:41 AM
Subject: Re: reject or drop AAAA queries

In message <>, Rock July writes:
> Hi All,
> I just want to know if I put listen-aaaa-on-v4 {yes;}; on opetions of 
> named.conf, will my DNS drop or reject all AAAA queries by IPv4 clients?

The option is filter-aaaa-on-v4.  Additionally filter-aaaa can be used
to only apply the filter to some IPv4 clients.

We also recommend that you fix the underlying condition.

> Thanks,
> Rock July
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                INTERNET:

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