
we will shortly start using IPv6 reverse DNS, and having never used it before I thought Id ask those with some experience if they have any words of wisdom before I make any horrible mistakes ;) Ive already had a good read of a good many sites on the subject but still would like to check a couple of things. When creating IPv6 reverse zones can the subnet be as large or small as you like? Ive seen examples using /48 and /64, can this be effectively whatever you want? And following on from that if it is user definable, what would be the recommended way (size) forward? We are using flat file zone files. To me the simplest would seem to create the zones using large subnets and where necessary (as occasionally we are asked to do) delegate via the zone file some ranges to other DNS servers. Im not an expert in all of this really, but we get by on IPv4 so if anyone has any tips they would be greatfully recieved,

thanks Andy.

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