On 05/07/10 06:49, Chris Thompson wrote:

Sure - just step into your time machine, go back to before the master
server died, and increase the SOA.expire value there so that it gets
propagated to the slave(s) in time.

If he has a small number of slaves, the OP may not need a Tardis. It's possible to just edit the cache files. It's UGLY, you need to make sure you hit all the slaves, and they will get overwritten the instant your master returns from the dead ... but that latter's a good thing.

About this master being offline for some time due to a disk failure ... that policy may need review. If the OP serves his organization's DNS, it's pretty darn critical that customers be able to resolv their DNS info.

Peter Laws / N5UWY
National Weather Center / Network Operations Center
University of Oklahoma Information Technology
Feedback? Contact my director, Craig Cochell, cra...@ou.edu. Thank you!
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