On 03/20/10 17:11, michael peters wrote:

> zone "" in {
>         type master;
>         file "/etc/bind/";
>         };
> zone "" in {
>         type master;
>         file "/etc/bind/";
>         };

This is your problem, you're not defining the right zones. You need to
leave off the first 0 in the first zone, and I'm not sure how your zone
file for 16.172.in-addr.arpa is configured, but likely you need to leave
off at least the first 0 for that one too. The proper zone name for the
zone file you pasted is 253.150.10.in-addr.arpa. FWIW, I like to name
the files the same as the name of the zone itself, it makes a lot of
things easier, but that's up to you.

Also a minor issue, but the PTR for 30 is defined 3 times, 2 different
ways. You should fix it to match the forward.




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