you can always try:

dig   version.bind   chaos   txt

which would return something like:

;version.bind.                  CH      TXT

version.bind.           0       CH      TXT     "djbdns 1.05"

(sorry for the djbdns .... i found no bind that allows that for examplifying it :) )

the big problem here is that DNS servers, quite usually, do not accept this queries or, in some other quite usual configuration, change the text for some generic string, which can be easily done in BINDs for example:

version.bind.           0       CH      TXT     "version goes here"

there's absolutely no guaranteed way of getting the correct version running on DNSs server you have no admin access. The only guaranteed to work 100% of the simes still seems to be the 'named -v' on the machine's console.

Tibo escreveu:
Hello !

I have a little problem :

We have 4 little datacenters over the world.
I would like to check if all DNS servers are up to date but only people
responsible of a datacenter can access their servers for security reasons.
I know some tools on the net can do that but it's not easy for me and
I'd like to automatise all of that.


        Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
        Leonardo Rodrigues
        Solutti Tecnologia

        Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
        My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

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