On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 03:35:34PM +0100, Chris Thompson wrote:
> As long ago as BIND 9.2, you'll find this in the CHANGES file:
>  764.   [func]          Configuration files now allow "include" directives
>                         in more places, such as inside the "view" statement.
>                         [RT #377, #728, #860]
> Roughly, "include" can occur instead of a keyword in any list where all
> list elements are introduced by keywords; e.g. "view", "options", "logging",
> "zone". But not "acl" because the elements there do not (in general) start
> with keywords.

Yes.  I meant to say, wherever statements are legal.  I did not note
that there are statements that allow other statements inside themselves;
only inside such statements are other statements legal.  There are
specifically documented lists of which are legal within which; I do not
remember if those lists are complete - in the light of changes being
made, I would not be surprised either way.

> For the whole truth, you need to look at lib/isccfg/namedconf.c and
> lib/isccfg/parser.c and work out in exactly which cases cfg_parse_mapbody
> in the latter gets called :-(

As I've said before, only the code never lies.  But it may take some

** Joe Yao                              j...@tux.org - Joseph S. D. Yao
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