In article <>,
 Matus UHLAR - fantomas <> wrote:

> On 23.09.09 14:00, Marcos Lorenzo de Santiago wrote:
> > I no longer manage one of our DNS domain. As I use 'rndc reconfig' to
> > load newly created zones I was wondering if exists a way to do the same
> > as reconfig but inversely, I mean, reload configuration forgetting the
> > just erased zones.
> > 
> > I tried every command that rndc has, but I guess that my only choice is
> > to restart bind. I even tried flushing cache, but it keeps answering to
> > DNS queries to that zone even when I erased the zone file.
> does it return authoritative responses? Does the server allow recursion for
> you?
> I think rndc reconfig should forget removed zones too, but you may be
> - either seeing the same zone in other view
> - see records fetched from other servers after zone was removed

rndc reconfig does remove zones.  If logging is set appropriately you 
should see messages something like this:

02-Sep-2009 10:02:30.995 general: zone (slave) removed

That won't remove any files from either master or slave servers, but 
should stop your server from answering authoritatively.  If there are 
other servers and you haven't deleted the delegation then there will 
still be traces of the domain around.

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