That's not what SERVFAIL is for.
You need a different architecture. If you want to resolve both internal
and external names, then you need a version of the zone that has *both*
sets of names in it. Your architecture should be built around that concept.
- Kevin
Luis Silva wrote:
Regarding question 2, is it possible for the name server to respond
servfail and then BIND could contact other servers?
On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 3:10 PM, Luis Silva <
<>> wrote:
On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 11:03 AM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas
< <>> wrote:
On 07.08.09 10:50, Luis Silva wrote:
> 1 - I need to be a slave for the zones "
<>" and " <>" but
> everything else must be redirected to the
server. Do you think
> the example bellow is correct? The problem is that everytime
I send a
> request to the forward zone, my server adds the root
nameservers in the
> authoritative and additions sections of the message, which i
do not think is
> correct. Is there a better alternative?
your server? You apparently did not allow recursion from your
IP addresses
on it.
[LS] But the answer section contains the correct information.
> 2 - My second problem is that I have my BIND server
forwarding all the
> request to a name server, but I wanted to test another
server in case of a
> negative answer (for example, name error) with the exception
of a certain
> zone.
> For example, I want to send all the requests for "es", but
in case of a
> negative answer and the zone domain name is not "
<>", I want to try
> another server. Is that possible?
you can configure zone " <>" to be
forwarded to different server. There
is no functionality in BIND that would continue searching for
a name when a
server responds "the name does not exist".
Matus UHLAR - fantomas,
<> ;
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