In message <>, "David M. D
owdle" writes:
> So, as he originally asked, how do you find out what the feature MEANS?
> --enable-getifaddrs    Enable the use of getifaddrs() [yes|no].
> All the documentation I could find on it for bind was a 2006 'fixed bug in 
> linux with getifaddrs'. So what's the advantage and disadvantage of this 
> 'feature'. IE what features does this feature do?

These days it does little.  CHANGES references to getifaddrs.

2342.   [func]          Use getifaddrs() if available under Linux. [RT #17224]

2160.   [bug]           libisc wasn't handling NULL ifa_addr pointers returned
                        from getifaddrs(). [RT #16708]

1751.   [bug]           --enable-getifaddrs failed under linux. [RT #12867]

1626.   [bug]           --enable-getifaddrs was broken. [RT#11259]

1454.   [port]          Use getifaddrs() if available for interface scanning.
                        --disable-getifaddrs to override.  Glibc currently
                        has a getifaddrs() that does not support IPv6.
                        Use --enable-getifaddrs=glibc to force the use of
                        this version under linux machines.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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