I have a bind server I now use as a caching.

In allowing my work desktop to access i found that it was being refused using 
allow-query, but if i add it to recursion it works, have i mis-understood the 
use of allow-query? The Bind Admin Manual seems to say what I thought use it to 
allow those to query your server.

acl "trust" { localhost; localnets;;; };
options {
        directory "/var/named/zones";
        allow-query { trust; };
        allow-query-cache  { trust; };
        allow-transfer { none; };
        allow-recursion { admin; };
        listen-on { any; };
        transfer-format many-answers;
        interface-interval 0;

Now this works well for LAN, but 202.149.. can not get answer, If I change ACL 
admin to trust it works (only difference between them is 202 IP is not in admin)

So this I ask, does mean allow-query is useless now days?
Or is this only of any use if my server is also authoritative ?
Do I even need query since recursive decides who can query my server?

thanking you
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