What there is of it.  It seems VERY outdated since, if I understand
correctly, DLZ is now built into bind 9.5/9.6.

I have downloaded and installed the following RPMs to my DNS server,
which is a VM running RHEL 5.2:






I have added the exact DLZ configuration from the DLZ web page, other
than the IP address and userid for the DB.


dlz "postgres zone" {

   database "postgres 1

   {host=int-dbs port=5432 dbname=dns_data user=postgres}

   {select zone from dns_records where zone = '%zone%'}

   {select ttl, type, mx_priority, case when lower(type)='txt' then '\"'

         || data || '\"' when lower(type)='soa' then data || ' ' ||
resp_person || ' '

         || serial || ' ' || refresh || ' ' || retry || ' ' || expire ||
' ' || minimum

         else data end from dns_records where zone = '%zone%' and host =


   {select ttl, type, host, mx_priority, case when lower(type)='txt'
then '\"'

         || data || '\"' else data end, resp_person, serial, refresh,
retry, expire,

        minimum from dns_records where zone = '%zone%'}

   {select zone from xfr_table where zone = '%zone%' and client =



I have created a duplicate of one zone in my Postgres database using the
tables described (Though I used "character varying" instead of "text")


When I start "named" (or "named_sdb", whatever that is??), I see no
reference to any attempts to get to the postgres DB.  No failures, no
successes, nothing.  In another e-mail on the list, I saw logs that
showed the loading of the postgres drivers.  I don't see that in my log
files at all?


So . . .

1.       Is there something other than the DLZ tag that needs to go into
the named.conf to tell it to use a postgres DB?

2.      Is there some library I have not deployed that is required?

3.      Should I be running "named" or "named_sdb"?

4.      (and my real question) can you have both "zone" and "dlz" tags
in the same named.conf?  Our project has a large, static set of DNS
domains and a very small set of dynamic domains.   I'd like to be able
to take advantage of the speed of the flat files, and only hit postgres
for for the dynamic sub-domains and still have only one DNS server.   If
it can't do this, that will just mean I need both static and dynamic


Here is what my named.conf file looks like:


options {

            directory "/var/named/" ;

            allow-transfer {;;};

            check-names master warn;

            datasize 20M;

            max-journal-size 5M;

            dump-file "named_dump.db";

            interface-interval 0;

            max-cache-size 20M;

            memstatistics-file "/var/stats/named.memstats";

            pid-file "/var/run/named.pid";

            query-source address * port 53;

            transfer-source * port 53;

            notify-source * port 53;

            statistics-file "/var/stats/named.stats";

            version "1.8.0";

            zone-statistics yes;


              logging {

             channel named_info {


                 print-category yes;

                 print-severity yes;

                 print-time yes;



             category client { null; };

             category config { null; };

             category database { null; };

             category default { null; };

             category general { null; };

             category notify { null; };

             category network { null; };

             category resolver { null; };

             category security { null; };

             category update { null; };

             category queries { null; };

             category xfer-in { null; };

             category xfer-out { null; };



controls {

        inet allow { localhost; } keys { rndc-key; };



key "rndc-key" {




dlz "postgres zone" {

   database "postgres 1

   {host=int-dbs port=5432 dbname=dns_data user=postgres}

   {select zone from dns_records where zone = '%zone%'}

   {select ttl, type, mx_priority, case when lower(type)='txt' then '\"'

         || data || '\"' when lower(type)='soa' then data || ' ' ||
resp_person || ' '

         || serial || ' ' || refresh || ' ' || retry || ' ' || expire ||
' ' || minimum

         else data end from dns_records where zone = '%zone%' and host =


   {select ttl, type, host, mx_priority, case when lower(type)='txt'
then '\"'

         || data || '\"' else data end, resp_person, serial, refresh,
retry, expire,

        minimum from dns_records where zone = '%zone%'}

   {select zone from xfr_table where zone = '%zone%' and client =



zone "." {

   type hint;

   file "pz/named.root";






Michael L. Toler

Sr. System Test Engineer

Prodea Systems, Inc.

214-278-1834 (office)

972-816-7790 (mobile)


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