I upgraded from 9.2.3.

I can't seem to do forwarding from a browser.

Everything works from 9.2.3. When I swap out to 9.6.0, from a command line I can do: nslookup; ping outside the domain; traceroute outside the domain.

From a web browser I can get out if I use the ip address. However, when I
put in a canonical name get an rcode 5.

There's a barracuda spam firewall in the path. If I take it out, then everything works. There's really nothing to change on the barracuda as far as dns is concerned, other
than pointing to a dns server.

snoop on the wire:
barracuda -> ns     DNS C www22.verizon.com. Internet Addr ?
   ns -> barracuda DNS R  Error: 5(Refused)

barracuda -> ns     DNS C www22.verizon.com. Internet Addr ?
ns -> barracuda DNS R www22.verizon.com. Internet CNAME www22.verizon.com.edgekey.net.

I glanced through the archives and found some suggestions about recursions to ip forwarding. I think the
conf is set up correctly. At least, it works fine with 9.2.3.

Here's some of my named.conf edited.

acl mylab {;
options {
       directory       "/etc/dns";
       auth-nxdomain   yes;
view "trusted" {
 match-clients { mylab; };
 recursion yes;
 zone "moravian.edu" in {
       type forward;
       forwarders {;; };

Any help appreciated.

Myron Kowalski
MoCoSIN Network/Systems Administrator
Moravian College

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