You can build a tunnel between the servers using openvpn to secure zone transfers. May also need policy based routing dependig on what else you do. If you are doing zone transfers across a network you control and have concerns about exposing data on it such as dns zone transfers, you may want to start at the network.

Frank Pikelner

On 25-Mar-09, at 9:22 AM, "Ram Akuka" <> wrote:

Is there's any way I can encrypt the zone transfer date (without using
any third-party encryption tool)?



2009/3/25 Alan Clegg <>:
Ram Akuka wrote:
but encrypting the file system won't do the work here.
i agree that storing the key and the encrypted data on the same
machine is useless in security terms. that why i'm looking for a build
in solution .
is there's any way the slave server can save the zone in format
diffent then clear text ?

TSIG does not "encrypt" the on-the-wire AXFR/IXFR data, and all of your
queries are being done "in the clear", so I think that you may be
over-engineering this part of the operation.

You may want to worry more about securing the box so that the attacker
can't get on in the first place.


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