In article <gq0gtm$>,
 Carl Fretwell <> wrote:

> We have a domain which we serve dns for but we don't handle mail for this c=
> lient. However in the log file I can see all the time that there mail serve=
> r is trying to run a query on our dns server but is being denied.
> The log message
> 20-Mar-2009 16:32:54.984 security: info: client query =
> (cache) '' denied

Is it always the same client IP?  That IP is some random DSL user in 

> And in the clients zone file we have
> @               IN   MX       10
> Is this anything to worry about? How can I determine if the client is recei=
> ving email - without asking - because these appear in the log all the time.

This suggests one of the following problems:

1. is pointing to your nameserver in its resolver 
configuration, but your server doesn't allow them to use you as a 
resolver (the IP isn't in your allow-recursion and allow-query-cache 

2. The zone is delegated to your server, but you're not 
properly configured to serve it.

It doesn't look like #2.  The zone is delegated to and, and they appear to be responding properly.

Barry Margolin,
Arlington, MA
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