I don't think the definitions of "rhs" and "lhs" are at issue. What
apparently led the original poster to the wrong solution initially was
the verbiage in the manual stating "Any single *$* symbols within the
*lhs* side are replaced by the iterator value", which implies that "$"
replacement _only_ occurs within the LHS. As Mark confirmed, "$" can
also occur in the RHS, and in fact that's what was required for the
correct solution.
Personally, I wouldn't remove "within the LHS" from the verbiage
completely, otherwise someone will undoubtedly complain about not being
able to perform a "$" replacement in the class, type or TTL fields
(users being users :-)
But, maybe it could be amended to "within the LHS or RHS"...
- Kevin
Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
On Wed, 4 Mar 2009, Takahiro Masuda wrote:
The tricky part is ${3,0,d} waas not working. I bumped into a site
that stated $GENERATE range rhs type lhs
That is wrong.
I then tried $GENERATE 11-30 $ PTR ${3,0,d}.COOL.COM. and this
Anybody here have the ability to update the manual?
But it appears your second try is correct.
I can improve the documentation to make sure that it explains the two
lhs is left hand side (the label).
rhs is the right hand side (the RDATA).
Will that work for you?
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