And what business of yours would it be if I did?  That is pretty much the 
point here.  What business is it of yours, ISC, or anyone else if I chose to 
run my DNS with MX's pointing to CNAMES?  If it is a "bad" practice, fine so 
be it.  But it has practical and beneficial uses.  For ISC to deem it 
"illegal" is a fallacy and inappropriate..

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeff Lightner" <>
To: "Danny Thomas" <>; <>
Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2009 7:05 AM
Subject: RE: BIND 9.6 Flaw - CNAME vs. A Record in MX Records are NOT "Illegal"


And all this time I just assumed it was the Martian Sand variety that
was being spoken of on all the "save the whales" bumper stickers.

Maybe Al will end up winning the Darwin Award for another one of his
avante garde ideas.   He'll decide that the conventional wisdom that
exhausting his engine through a tail pipe instead of into the cabin is
the cause of global warming and modify his car...

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Danny Thomas
Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2009 2:18 AM
Subject: Re: BIND 9.6 Flaw - CNAME vs. A Record in MX Records are NOT

Al Stu wrote:
History is fraught with individuals or a few being ridiculed for
putting forth that which goes against the conventional wisdom of the
masses and so called experts, only to be vindicated once the masses
and so called experts get their head out where the sun is shining and
exposed to the light of day.

Once upon a time the world was 'flat'.  For some of you, apparently is
still is 'flat'.
and for every Einstein, Columbus, etc, there have been untold people
beliefs were not accepted. So whenever I see this line of argument
advanced in a
simplistic way, particularly with a hint of an heroic struggle against
I can't help thinking that the odds of "heretical views" being
vindicated is pretty low.
One belief yet to be accepted is the existence of Martian sand whales.

*really plonk*

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